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October 7 - October 28, 2020
Bala Cadambi's avatar

Bala Cadambi

Colleen & Friends

"After more than a decade of participating in the Ecochallenge, I plan this year to gain a deeper understanding of the history and challenges in the space of social justice and the intertwine with environmental justice. "


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Bala's actions

Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community

Research Voter Suppression

Do at Home

I will spend at least 30 minutes finding out what local laws, policies, and practices keep people from voting in my community.


Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community

Explore and organize social justice resources for learning and action

To accommodate different learning styles and provide a ladder of learning opportunities, I plan to explore resources for social justice and organize them into flexible learning plans that may lend to action as well


Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community

Learn About Local Environmental Justice Concerns

Do at Home

I will spend 30 minutes researching environmental justice and environmental racism concerns in my region, who is affected by them, and local initiatives to address these concerns.


Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community

Support Native Communities

Do at Home

I will use the resource links provided and spend 69 minutes learning about the native populations that lived in my area prior to colonization, and what I can do to support those that still exist.


Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community

Watch a Documentary about Racial Injustice

Do at Home

I will watch 2 documentary(ies) about systemic racism.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Bala Cadambi's avatar
    Bala Cadambi 10/22/2020 2:06 PM
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Research Voter Suppression
    What are the ways in which voters are prohibited from or discouraged from voting in your region and/or state? What could be done to get rid of these barriers?

    Bala Cadambi's avatar
    Bala Cadambi 10/05/2020 3:03 PM
    I have become aware of the many avenues for voter suppression:
    - needing to vote in person (no mail in option, having to take time off from work, lack of transport, personal health, etc.)
    - nearest ballot stations is not in their neighborhood
    - loss of voting rights due to incarceration for petty or framed felonies
    - threat of intimidation at the polling booth
    - having to produce an ID (with risk of deportation)
    I am sure there is a much longer list of systemic voting suppression, which I intend to continue to investigate and understand.  
    So far, I've concluded that changes in both legislative policy and legal practice are necessary.  However, the levers pivot on the  history of denial and politics of power ... hence, the solutions are likely in people power and grass roots activism.  But meanwhile there's a hole in the voting bucket, when that same constituency cannot exercise their rights at the ballot.  The burden to restore lies with those who can. 
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Learn About Local Environmental Justice Concerns
    Who is most affected by environmental degradation and/or environmental irresponsiblity in your community? How are they affected?

    Bala Cadambi's avatar
    Bala Cadambi 10/05/2020 2:42 PM
    The houseless are most affected.  Climate change exacerbated the recent and ongoing forest fires on the west coast.  Those of us who have privilege were able to stay indoors, install air cleaners, arrange for deliveries, etc.  The houseless had no such luxury.  They continued to live on the street, breathe the smoke laden air, use public transport, rely on food pantries ... with likely no access to health care.