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October 7 - October 28, 2020

WBA Health Analytics, Research & Reporting Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Food Reduce Animal Products
    Why do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our planet and other people?

    Francis Staskon's avatar
    Francis Staskon 10/27/2020 11:40 AM
    I find a vegan diet too much work.
    Energy Online Energy Audit
    What most interested or surprised you about your own energy footprint? What changes did you make or will you make?

    Francis Staskon's avatar
    Francis Staskon 10/26/2020 10:40 AM
    On comparisons to my neighbors, I have the lowest electric and gas utilization!
    Transportation Work From Home
    It takes the average worker in the United States 26 minutes to travel to work. One way to fix long commutes would be to make cities more affordable. An even simpler option: promote the use of telework. How have you used technology to replace in-person meetings or work this year?

    Francis Staskon's avatar
    Francis Staskon 10/23/2020 1:44 PM
    Find this estimate might be higher now that the highways are emptier with the pandemic.  Takes me half the time either way than prior to the pandemic
    Energy Calculate the Carbon Footprint of my Household
    After you determined your carbon footprint, did you see what different choices you can make in order to reduce it?

    Francis Staskon's avatar
    Francis Staskon 10/21/2020 7:04 PM
    Have a footprint of $26.87, and plan to offset 20%

  • Francis Staskon's avatar
    Francis Staskon 10/20/2020 7:54 AM
    Found my comparative energy usage is rather low and as the lowest electric usage in my neighborhood !
    Community Learn About Trans, Femme, and Nonbinary Experiences
    How is equality for trans, femme, and nonbinary people important to a just and sustainable society?

    Francis Staskon's avatar
    Francis Staskon 10/13/2020 6:10 PM
    After a literature review on social identity studies and consideration of those who self-define with one of these groups, there are important distinctions to make on the three in regards how the identity gets identified by others and shared as a social identity