Jose Alvarez
"Life is beautiful."
- 1,223 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO1.0advocacy actioncompleted
UP TO310minutesspent outdoors
UP TO16hoursvolunteered
UP TO400milesnot traveled by car
UP TO22locally sourced mealsconsumed
UP TO14,477pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO724gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO1.0treeplanted
UP TO3.0conversationswith people
UP TO3.3pounds of paperhave been saved
UP TO3.6poundsfood waste prevented
UP TO21zero-waste mealsconsumed
UP TO825minutesspent learning
Jose's actions
Plant Trees
Do at Home
I will plant 1 tree(s) in my community, public parks, or backyard.
Leave No Trace
Do at Home
I will practice the seven principles of Leave No Trace when doing nature activities alone or with family and friends.
Locally-Sourced Meals
Do at Home
I will source 1 meal(s) each day from local producers.
Action Track: Healing and Renewal
Family Game Hour
Do at Home
I will spend quality time with family and friends by playing low-tech game(s) and/or through the spirit of imagination.
Take Control
Do at Home
Both systemic and personal sustainability are important! I will develop a plan with my medical professionals to achieve my best health and live my life to the fullest.
Go Paperless
Do at Home
I will reduce the amount of paper mail that I receive by 3.4lbs (1.5kg) a month or 41lbs (18.6kg) a year by opting into paperless billing, ending unwanted subscriptions and opting out of junk mail.
Buy From a Farmers Market
Do at Home
I will purchase produce and meat from a local farmers market or food co-op.
Go Get a Check Up
I will make an appointment for my annual physical.
Install a Toilet Tank Bank
Do at Home
I will reduce the amount of water flushed and save up to 11 gallons (41 L) of water each day by installing a toilet tank bank.
Upgrade Heating & Cooling Units
Do at Home
I will replace inefficient heating and cooling units with energy saving units.
Plant an Herb Garden
Do at Home
I will plant an herb garden in my home, workplace, or dorm room.
Eco-Friendly Gardening
Do at Home
I will plant native species, landscape with water-efficient plants, and use eco-friendly fertilizers.
Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
Do at Home
I will save up to 15 gallons (56 L) of water a day by installing a low-flow showerhead.
Forage for My Food
Do at Home
I will use the resources below to find where I can forage for my own food locally.
Volunteer in My Community
Do at Home
I will volunteer 16 hour(s) in my community during the challenge.
Action Track: Healing and Renewal
Do at Home
I will begin, or continue, on the journey of forgiving myself and/or other(s). I may do this through journaling, meditation, prayer, and/or talking with a licensed healthcare professional.
Zero-Waste Cooking
Do at Home
I will cook 1 meal(s) with zero-waste each day.
Engage In Active Listening
Do at Home
I will practice actively listening to a friend, family member, co-worker, acquaintance, or someone who I may disagree with in at least 2 conversations.
Audit Toxic Cleaning Products in my Home
Do at Home
I will spend 30 minutes researching toxic chemicals found in cleaning supplies and personal care products and remove them from my home.
Know My Health
I will get my Core Four Biometrics tests (blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and BMI).
Work From Home
Do at Home
I will work from home 10 day(s) to avoid my commute's carbon output.
Find Local Recycling Depots
Do at Home
I will find out where to recycle the recyclable items that I can't put in recycling dumpsters or my curbside bin.
Launch a Recycling Program
I will start a recycling program at my workplace or school. If a recycling program exists, I will advocate for ways to improve and expand it.
Prevent Recycling Contamination
Do at Home
Contamination prevents what is recyclable from being recycled. I will spend 30 minutes researching which materials are accepted by local haulers or drop stations in my community and recycle only those items.
Tend a Garden
Do at Home
I will tend to a garden, or prepare for one, each day using sustainable gardening practices.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Jose Alvarez 10/26/2020 10:49 AMWe are washing all the used plastic bottle before sending to recycling to reduce contamination risk, as per recommendations. -
Jose Alvarez 10/24/2020 12:50 PMI'm using a recyclying depot near my home. -
Jose Alvarez 10/23/2020 11:53 AMI have never had a garden before and am really enjoying tending to it. -
Jose Alvarez 10/22/2020 6:50 AMWashing the packaging to be recycled we will eliminate risk of contamination. -
Jose Alvarez 10/21/2020 4:14 PMI don't know why there aren't glass recycling here. -
Jose Alvarez 10/20/2020 6:50 AMWe must wash the containers before depositing them in the recycling area to avoid contamination between materials. -
Jose Alvarez 10/19/2020 10:49 AMI'm on vacations mode from work, but my challenges are going on. -
Jose Alvarez 10/18/2020 8:43 AMI like to tend my ecofriendy garden de-weeding and watering. -
Jose Alvarez 10/17/2020 3:21 PMToday we finished my volunteer project, cleaning the passive community park. -
Jose Alvarez 10/16/2020 7:55 AMI was talking with a neighbor about how to avoid contamination in the packaging that we recycle.