Deirdre Bahamonde
"Loving Earth is loving us."
- 1,259 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO12hoursvolunteered
UP TO924gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO2.0water collection systemsinstalled
UP TO1.0treeplanted
UP TO1.0community eventhosted or attended
UP TO3.3pounds of paperhave been saved
UP TO1,350minutesspent learning
Deirdre's actions
Plant Trees
Do at Home
I will plant 1 tree(s) in my community, public parks, or backyard.
Know My Health
I will get my Core Four Biometrics tests (blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar and BMI).
Take Control
Do at Home
Both systemic and personal sustainability are important! I will develop a plan with my medical professionals to achieve my best health and live my life to the fullest.
Leave No Trace
Do at Home
I will practice the seven principles of Leave No Trace when doing nature activities alone or with family and friends.
Go Paperless
Do at Home
I will reduce the amount of paper mail that I receive by 3.4lbs (1.5kg) a month or 41lbs (18.6kg) a year by opting into paperless billing, ending unwanted subscriptions and opting out of junk mail.
Go Get a Check Up
I will make an appointment for my annual physical.
Find Local Recycling Depots
Do at Home
I will find out where to recycle the recyclable items that I can't put in recycling dumpsters or my curbside bin.
Research Impact Investing
Do at Home
Using the links provided below, I will research impact investing and determine if it is right for me.
Join An Outdoor Project
I will join an outdoor restoration project in my community while observing best practices in my region for not spreading COVID-19.
Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
Do at Home
I will save up to 15 gallons (56 L) of water a day by installing a low-flow showerhead.
Try a New Way to Prep
Do at Home
I will try a new method of food preparation, such as canning, pickling, or baking bread.
Forage for My Food
Do at Home
I will use the resources below to find where I can forage for my own food locally.
Do at Home
I will begin, or continue, on the journey of forgiving myself and/or other(s). I may do this through journaling, meditation, prayer, and/or talking with a licensed healthcare professional.
Launch a Recycling Program
I will start a recycling program at my workplace or school. If a recycling program exists, I will advocate for ways to improve and expand it.
Collect Rain Water
Do at Home
I will create a rain garden or bioswale or use rain barrels to collect water for outdoor watering needs.
Eco-Friendly Gardening
Do at Home
I will plant native species, landscape with water-efficient plants, and use eco-friendly fertilizers.
Install a Toilet Tank Bank
Do at Home
I will reduce the amount of water flushed and save up to 11 gallons (41 L) of water each day by installing a toilet tank bank.
Audit Toxic Cleaning Products in my Home
Do at Home
I will spend 30 minutes researching toxic chemicals found in cleaning supplies and personal care products and remove them from my home.
Research My Investment Portfolio
Do at Home
I will find out what stocks and bonds are in my investment account portfolio to determine if they align with my values (e.g. environmental, social responsibility, community).
Plant an Herb Garden
Do at Home
I will plant an herb garden in my home, workplace, or dorm room.
Track My Purchases
Do at Home
I will spend 15 minutes each day maintaining a record of all my purchases and learning about my spending habits.
Needs Vs. Wants
Do at Home
I will adopt a "Needs Vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.
Buy Used Clothes
Do at Home
I will spend 30 minutes learning about the perils of fast fashion and will buy my clothes at second-hand stores when I shop.
Upgrade Heating & Cooling Units
Do at Home
I will replace inefficient heating and cooling units with energy saving units.
Eliminate Toxic Plastics
Do at Home
I will avoid buying toxic plastics - including polycarbonate, polystyrene and polyvinyl - and instead replace them with durable non-plastic options.
Fix Leaky Faucets
Do at Home
I will fix faucets or report leaky faucets to facilities that have been wasting up to 9 gallons (34 L) of water per faucet every day.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/26/2020 10:35 AMNow we are paperless at home. No more printing. -
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/24/2020 12:58 PMI liked very much my new low flow showerhead, -
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/23/2020 9:41 AMI like recycling to reduce litter in the trash can. -
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/22/2020 7:51 AMThe activity of foraging for my food distracts me a lot. -
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/21/2020 3:41 PMI enjoy while deweeding and tending my eco friendly garden -
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/20/2020 7:39 AMI'm using collected rain water for my ecofriendly garden. -
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/19/2020 10:40 AMNow I know my health numbers. I need to loss weight. -
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/18/2020 8:22 AMWhen I tracked my purchases this weekend I discovered that I'm out of budget. -
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/17/2020 7:20 PMI had eliminated all toxic plastic at home. -
Deirdre Bahamonde 10/16/2020 8:42 AMMy children are increasing their fruits intake daily.