Mary Charneco
"Make it your life goal to stay healthy."
- 1,732 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO2.0advocacy actionscompleted
UP TO1.0locally sourced mealconsumed
UP TO1.0waste auditconducted
UP TO546gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO1.0water collection systeminstalled
UP TO1.0treeplanted
UP TO1.0community eventhosted or attended
UP TO1.0public official or leadercontacted
UP TO6.0conversationswith people
UP TO3.3pounds of paperhave been saved
UP TO1,095minutesspent learning
Mary's actions
Needs Vs. Wants
Do at Home
I will adopt a "Needs Vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.
Buy Used Clothes
Do at Home
I will spend 30 minutes learning about the perils of fast fashion and will buy my clothes at second-hand stores when I shop.
Host a Watch Party
Do at Home
I will host a watch party to screen a documentary about an issue that matters to me.
Plant Trees
Do at Home
I will plant 1 tree(s) in my community, public parks, or backyard.
Forage for My Food
Do at Home
I will use the resources below to find where I can forage for my own food locally.
Collect Rain Water
Do at Home
I will create a rain garden or bioswale or use rain barrels to collect water for outdoor watering needs.
Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
Do at Home
I will save up to 15 gallons (56 L) of water a day by installing a low-flow showerhead.
Leave No Trace
Do at Home
I will practice the seven principles of Leave No Trace when doing nature activities alone or with family and friends.
Engage In Active Listening
Do at Home
I will practice actively listening to a friend, family member, co-worker, acquaintance, or someone who I may disagree with in at least 2 conversations.
Buy From a Farmers Market
Do at Home
I will purchase produce and meat from a local farmers market or food co-op.
Personal Waste Audit
Do at Home
I will collect all of my unrecyclable, non-compostable trash to raise my awareness of how much I send to the landfill.
Install Alternative Energy
Do at Home
I will install an alternative energy system, such as solar electric systems or solar water heaters.
Upgrade My Windows
Do at Home
I will upgrade the windows or weatherstripping in my home or office to reduce air leaks and save on energy costs.
Install a Toilet Tank Bank
Do at Home
I will reduce the amount of water flushed and save up to 11 gallons (41 L) of water each day by installing a toilet tank bank.
Launch a Recycling Program
I will start a recycling program at my workplace or school. If a recycling program exists, I will advocate for ways to improve and expand it.
Eco-Friendly Gardening
Do at Home
I will plant native species, landscape with water-efficient plants, and use eco-friendly fertilizers.
Reduce Refined Sugar
Do at Home
I will adopt a diet free of refined sugars, which eliminates sweetened beverages, candy, and processed foods.
Action Track: Healing and Renewal
Do at Home
I will begin, or continue, on the journey of forgiving myself and/or other(s). I may do this through journaling, meditation, prayer, and/or talking with a licensed healthcare professional.
Choose Clean/Renewable Energy
Do at Home
I will sign up for my utility company's clean/renewable energy option.
Research Impact Investing
Do at Home
Using the links provided below, I will research impact investing and determine if it is right for me.
Improve a Bus Stop
I will improve a bus stop in my neighborhood by posting the stop schedule, adding seating or shelter, adding art or flowers, picking up litter, or some other small improvement.
Advocate For More Food Packaging Options
Do at Home
I will advocate for alternatives to single-use packaging at local grocery stores, markets, at work, or on campus to reduce pollution in the environment and in local communities.
Go Paperless
Do at Home
I will reduce the amount of paper mail that I receive by 3.4lbs (1.5kg) a month or 41lbs (18.6kg) a year by opting into paperless billing, ending unwanted subscriptions and opting out of junk mail.
Track My Purchases
Do at Home
I will spend 20 minutes each day maintaining a record of all my purchases and learning about my spending habits.
Upgrade Heating & Cooling Units
Do at Home
I will replace inefficient heating and cooling units with energy saving units.
Advocate for More Food Options
Do at Home
Access to affordable, nutritious food is a food justice issue. I will advocate for local and/or organic food options at work, on campus and/or in the spaces I frequent.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Mary Charneco 10/28/2020 6:01 AMGoing paperless was a success. -
Mary Charneco 10/27/2020 8:12 AMI enjoyed the time while I'm tending my garden. -
Mary Charneco 10/26/2020 8:04 AMWe weren't printing at home now. -
Mary Charneco 10/24/2020 12:56 PMMy sons adopted the bus stop and cleaned it today again. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONWaste Personal Waste AuditWhy is it often difficult to understand the impacts our purchases and waste have on other people, animals, and places?
Mary Charneco 10/23/2020 10:00 AMBecause we focus our attention in our wants and doesn't matter to us others. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONWaste Launch a Recycling ProgramHow might thinking creatively help us address big systems problems differently?
REFLECTION QUESTIONTransportation Improve a Bus StopHow can you advocate for transportation systems which minimize environmental impact while also meeting human needs?
Mary Charneco 10/23/2020 9:58 AMContacting politiciansthat can reinforce the electrical cars in public fleet. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONSimplicity Needs Vs. WantsHow is creativity a necessary ingredient for practicing simplicity?
Mary Charneco 10/23/2020 9:56 AMCeativity is necessary because help us with simple ideas that help us to practice simplicity.
REFLECTION QUESTIONSimplicity Track My PurchasesWhat have you noticed about your purchases? Where are you inclined to make shifts, if any?
Mary Charneco 10/23/2020 9:55 AMI noted I was buying a lots of wants. Now I'm focussing in the needs of the house. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONSimplicity Buy Used ClothesDo people with economic privilege have a responsibility to consume and own less? How can the concept of "reduce" be presented to those who may be struggling to have enough food, clothes, shelter?
Mary Charneco 10/23/2020 9:54 AMIt is very difficult because having so many deficiencies, they can understand that they have little to waste.