Alexa Koskewich
"I will plan a winter picnic after completing this challenge."
- 918 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO16whole food mealsconsumed
UP TO3.0advocacy actionscompleted
UP TO50minutesbeing mindful
UP TO36more servingsof fruits and vegetables
UP TO18gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO445minutesspent exercising
UP TO1.0energy auditconducted
UP TO3.0lightbulbsreplaced
UP TO1,340minutesnot spent in front of a screen
UP TO435minutesspent learning
Alexa's actions
Try a New Way to Prep
Do at Home
I will try a new method of food preparation, such as canning, pickling, or baking bread.
More Fruits and Veggies
Do at Home
I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 4 cup(s) of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.
Use an Energy Meter
Do at Home
I will use an energy meter to monitor my energy use and identify opportunities to save power.
Sign Up to Vote
Do at Home
I will make sure I’m registered to vote. While I’m at it, I’ll sign up to help others register too!
Action Track: Healing and Renewal
Core Values
Do at Home
We may find more meaning and joy in life when our actions are aligned with our personal values. I will determine what my top 3-5 core values are so that I can better align my actions with them.
Online Energy Audit
Do at Home
I will complete an online energy audit of my home, office, or dorm room and identify my next steps for saving energy.
Ditch the Lawn
Do at Home
I will replace my lawn with a drought-tolerant landscape and save the water, money, and time I used to spend cutting the grass.
Learn About Trans, Femme, and Nonbinary Experiences
Do at Home
I will spend 120 minutes learning about the experiences of trans, femme, and/or nonbinary people.
Support Local Pollinators
Do at Home
At least 30% of crops and 90% of flowering plants rely on pollinators to produce fruit. I will spend 60 minutes researching which plants support local native pollinators and plant some in my yard.
Advocate For More Food Packaging Options
Do at Home
I will advocate for alternatives to single-use packaging at local grocery stores, markets, at work, or on campus to reduce pollution in the environment and in local communities.
Join An Outdoor Project
I will join an outdoor restoration project in my community while observing best practices in my region for not spreading COVID-19.
Choose LED Bulbs
Do at Home
I will replace 3 incandescent lightbulb(s) with Energy Star-certified LED bulbs, saving up to $14 per fixture per year.
Install Alternative Energy
Do at Home
I will install an alternative energy system, such as solar electric systems or solar water heaters.
Plant Trees
Do at Home
I will plant 3 tree(s) in my community, public parks, or backyard.
Research Impact Investing
Do at Home
Using the links provided below, I will research impact investing and determine if it is right for me.
Explore My Area
I will explore at least one new hiking trail or nature walk in my area.
Action Track: Healing and Renewal
Joyful Movement
Do at Home
I will spend 10 minutes doing an activity where I'm both moving my body and enjoying myself.
Mulch the Base of Trees and Plants
Do at Home
I will prevent water runoff and increase absorbency by mulching the base of plants and trees at my home or work.
Keep a Nature Journal
Do at Home
I will journal each day about my experiences in nature.
Whole Foods Diet
Do at Home
I will enjoy 1 meal(s) each day free of processed foods.
Fix Leaky Faucets
Do at Home
I will fix faucets or report leaky faucets to facilities that have been wasting up to 9 gallons (34 L) of water per faucet every day.
Less Screen Time
Do at Home
I will replace 30 minute(s) of screen time each day with other activities.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
REFLECTION QUESTIONWaste Advocate For More Food Packaging OptionsWhat concerns you the most about how we are affecting the planet? Consider both local and global actions.
Alexa Koskewich 10/28/2020 10:57 PMThat because of covid people are not even trying to be conscientious of the disposables. They toss them anywhere. Retailers, manufacturers, and policy makers have reverted to archaic packaging, bagging, and general shopping practices. Making it near impossible to reduce plastic waste. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONSimplicity Research Impact InvestingHow might impact investing help you better live your values?
Alexa Koskewich 10/27/2020 10:08 PMReassurance that I'm helping, or at least not contributing to negative impact on the global community and nature, as much as is possible -
REFLECTION QUESTIONWater Fix Leaky FaucetsFixing leaky faucets is one of the tasks that we can easily put off until later. Good job on completing this action! How will you use the momentum from completing this action to increase your water efficiency in other ways?
Alexa Koskewich 10/25/2020 11:16 PMI've started using pet water and some rince water to water the plants, instead of just dumping it down the drain. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONNature Support Local PollinatorsWhy is it important to take care of pollinators?
Alexa Koskewich 10/24/2020 8:03 PMIt's better then going down in history for putting them on the extinction list!
Many foods we consume require pollution, are you going to do it? -
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Online Energy AuditWhat most interested or surprised you about your own energy footprint? What changes did you make or will you make?
Alexa Koskewich 10/22/2020 7:29 PMI'm doing better than I thought. I need to seal the windows better for high winds. -
Alexa Koskewich 10/21/2020 10:05 PMHad time to do more research today since I was snowed in. Silver lining.;> -
REFLECTION QUESTIONEnergy Choose LED BulbsSwitching out your lightbulbs is an excellent first step toward energy efficiency! In what other ways can you exercise your civic duty to protect the environment and reduce carbon emissions?
Alexa Koskewich 10/21/2020 10:00 PMUse task lights instead of room lights. Efficient driving style. Thermal coating on windows and thermal curtains on them and on entries. Drop thermostat and increase on a/c. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONCommunity Learn About Trans, Femme, and Nonbinary ExperiencesHow is equality for trans, femme, and nonbinary people important to a just and sustainable society?
Alexa Koskewich 10/18/2020 9:53 PMCovid has made it very difficult too do many of these thing, many unexpected products are not there. Either they are imports not getting in or manufacturers are not making enough or any.
The Covid experiment was an epic fail, let's not try again ;> -
REFLECTION QUESTIONCommunity Sign Up to VoteWhy is voting important to creating a just, sustainable, and thriving world? In what other ways can you actively participate in important decision-making?
Alexa Koskewich 10/18/2020 9:47 PMI moved since last election and had to make sure my address was changed in provincial and federal elections info. I also verified i was registered. Voting informs the analysts of community interests and priorities. There are many ways to keep your rep informed too; letters to the office, polls, community information meetings, etc.