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October 7 - October 28, 2020

HealthPartners (Sustainability Department) Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • MJ Burke's avatar
    MJ Burke 10/28/2020 4:48 PM
    Excellent dashboard, extremely mindful actions, provided areas that as individuals we can research & learn and ability to add in based on one's experience was nice to do. 
    Waste Learn About & Practice Sustainable Fashion
    How can you express your personality, creativity, and values in ways that don't require fast fashion or buying more clothes and accessories?

    Kendall Steele's avatar
    Kendall Steele 10/28/2020 7:19 AM
    Finding new ways to wear the clothes I have, having clothing swaps to share with people I know, and by not caring what my clothes look like all the time but the fact that I don't want to contribute to waste or harming the environment.
    Nature Learn About the Impact of Old Refrigerants
    Why are old refrigerant gases so harmful to our environment?

    Kendall Steele's avatar
    Kendall Steele 10/28/2020 7:18 AM
    They add chemicals to the air and ground that are toxic. This is bad for the ozone and the water and for the animals who live there.
    Energy Upgrade My Windows
    How does improving your home's energy efficiency help you better live out your values?

    Kendall Steele's avatar
    Kendall Steele 10/28/2020 7:16 AM
    I am not wasting energy that could be used elsewhere. I do not need to overuse to be comfortable.
    Waste Go Paperless
    Reducing your paper mail can reduce mental clutter as well as physical waste -- by reducing what is coming in, you can reduce what is going into the recycling bin too. How does it make you feel? What is the next step you will take to reduce your waste?

    Kendall Steele's avatar
    Kendall Steele 10/23/2020 1:35 PM
    I feel like I'm wasting less which is good. The next step I will take to reduce waste is to pay more attention to packaging when buying goods from stores, and buy products that use less or biodegradable materials.
    Nature Forage for My Food
    People are motivated to forage for many different reasons: as a source for food, a means of income, to connect with nature, to participate in cultural tradition, transmitting specific ecological knowledge, or as a means of stewarding local and native plant populations are just a few examples. What is your chief motivation for foraging?

    Kendall Steele's avatar
    Kendall Steele 10/23/2020 1:33 PM
    To learn more about native plants and their benefits, how to identify edible plants, how to use them medically and to use what is already available.
    Food Buy From a Farmers Market
    What is one food choice that you make, or could make, that would do more good and less harm?

    Kendall Steele's avatar
    Kendall Steele 10/23/2020 1:31 PM
    Grow my own food when I can or buy locally.
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Support Native Communities
    Indigenous speaker and activist Winona LaDuke says that, "most indigenous ceremonies, if you look to their essence, are about the restoration of balance — they are a reaffirmation of our relationship to creation. That is our intent: to restore, and then to retain balance and honor our part in creation." Why is balance important to sustainability?

    Kendall Steele's avatar
    Kendall Steele 10/23/2020 1:14 PM
    Balance is important because without it things will get depleted. You cannot keep going (sustain) if you run out of fuel. 
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Learn About Constructive Communication
    How can you, your loved ones, the community, and environment all benefit from constructive communication?

    Kendall Steele's avatar
    Kendall Steele 10/22/2020 7:43 AM
    Help to better understand problems, have empathy and find better solutions that benefit everyone.

  • Katie Chavez's avatar
    Katie Chavez 10/21/2020 8:45 AM
    Spent some extra time shoveling snow. Good times!