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October 7 - October 28, 2020

HP Corvallis Site Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Lynne Wright's avatar
    Lynne Wright 10/28/2020 9:17 AM
    So glad I was able to participate!

  • Lynne Wright's avatar
    Lynne Wright 10/28/2020 9:17 AM
    This was fun, helped me to keep on track with positive affirmations, etc. 
    Health Know My Health
    How do you deal with the physical and emotional stress of the big problems we face? How can you help others cope?

    Tom Cooney's avatar
    Tom Cooney 10/20/2020 3:24 PM
    Meditation of some sort is my main approach.
    Health Go Get a Check Up
    How do you practice self care?

    Tom Cooney's avatar
    Tom Cooney 10/20/2020 3:23 PM
    I start each day with some yoga and stretching and then ensure that I get out of the house at least twice / day.

  • Lynne Wright's avatar
    Lynne Wright 10/20/2020 11:47 AM
    I'm better at actually doing the eco challenges than I am tracking them! 
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Research Voter Suppression
    What are the ways in which voters are prohibited from or discouraged from voting in your region and/or state? What could be done to get rid of these barriers?

    Tom Cooney's avatar
    Tom Cooney 10/18/2020 8:05 AM
    My state instituted vote-by-mail several years ago with great success.  I think this should/will become the norm across the country.

    I continue to read about voting processes in other states and around the world and am reminded of the large gap in approach.  

    Why, if voting is the greatest ideal in America are we so adverse to it?
    Waste Reduce Single-Use Disposables
    What single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What did you substitute or could be substituted instead?

    Joseph Saxon's avatar
    Joseph Saxon 10/14/2020 7:44 AM
    I use metal straws and reusable coffee mugs. I don't buy a lot of takeout, if I eat out I will try to sit down in the restaurant. Where change really needs to happen is in the waste management infrastructure. People can change their habits and recycle, but once they put those items in the bin they forfeit any responsibility to those items. Many recyclables find their way to the oceans because of poor waste management practices in the US.
    Waste Go Paperless
    Reducing your paper mail can reduce mental clutter as well as physical waste -- by reducing what is coming in, you can reduce what is going into the recycling bin too. How does it make you feel? What is the next step you will take to reduce your waste?

    Joseph Saxon's avatar
    Joseph Saxon 10/14/2020 7:39 AM
    I don't receive very much paper mail anymore (a habit of moving quite frequently). However, I think the most realistic way for me to reduce my waste is to reduce the amount of paper I use for notetaking. I'll start using laptops or smaller notepads to take notes.
    Food Reduce Animal Products
    Why do people in richer countries eat more meat than people in other places? How does eating more meat affect our planet and other people?

    Joseph Saxon's avatar
    Joseph Saxon 10/14/2020 7:29 AM
    Meat has traditionally been the staple of the wealthy. In 3rd world countries for instance, cheap staple foods are prioritized and livestock are utilized for many purposes besides food. Having an animal over the long term is more beneficial than having meat for a short time.
    Food Weekly Meal Planning
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four in the US spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Does this surprise you? Where would you rather use this money?

    Joseph Saxon's avatar
    Joseph Saxon 10/14/2020 7:27 AM
    This money would be of much more use if I saved that money or put it towards educational expenses.