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October 7 - October 28, 2020



Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Water Fix Leaky Faucets
    Fixing leaky faucets is one of the tasks that we can easily put off until later. Good job on completing this action! How will you use the momentum from completing this action to increase your water efficiency in other ways?

    krimy acevedo's avatar
    krimy acevedo 10/28/2020 3:26 PM
    The change the faucets that are broken.
    Water Install Greywater Catchment
    What are some of the needs that water meets or benefits that water provides for you?

    krimy acevedo's avatar
    krimy acevedo 10/28/2020 3:26 PM
    Health, a better skin, better working of vital part of the body.
    Water Eco-Friendly Gardening
    What are the most prominent water concerns in your area? Examples include drought, flooding, pollution, access, security, and privatization.

    krimy acevedo's avatar
    krimy acevedo 10/28/2020 3:24 PM
    The water loss.  We need to improve our water collector systems.
    Food Buy From a Farmers Market
    What is one food choice that you make, or could make, that would do more good and less harm?

    Maria Cardona's avatar
    Maria Cardona 10/28/2020 3:22 PM
    The country's meats and fruits. For example: breadfruit, bananas, oranges, pineapples, etc.
    Nature Plant Trees
    How is planting trees good for your mental, physical, and spiritual health?

    krimy acevedo's avatar
    krimy acevedo 10/28/2020 3:22 PM
    It feel good when you help to clean the environment planting a tree.
    Waste Personal Waste Audit
    Why is it often difficult to understand the impacts our purchases and waste have on other people, animals, and places?

    krimy acevedo's avatar
    krimy acevedo 10/28/2020 3:17 PM
    It is difficult to understand that we are destroying our environment.
    Transportation Work From Home
    It takes the average worker in the United States 26 minutes to travel to work. One way to fix long commutes would be to make cities more affordable. An even simpler option: promote the use of telework. How have you used technology to replace in-person meetings or work this year?

    Maria Cardona's avatar
    Maria Cardona 10/28/2020 3:16 PM
    Well, due to the COVID situation, we have been forced to move to work from home. It has been a bit complicated, but it can be done. Many people noticed that by not seeing so many cars on the road, the sky looked bluer. If they listened better to the birds in the surroundings. Within all the bad, nature, took a break from us.
    Waste Go Paperless
    Reducing your paper mail can reduce mental clutter as well as physical waste -- by reducing what is coming in, you can reduce what is going into the recycling bin too. How does it make you feel? What is the next step you will take to reduce your waste?

    krimy acevedo's avatar
    krimy acevedo 10/28/2020 3:16 PM
    I feel happy.  I will avoid and reduce the carton boxes.
    Transportation Car Share
    Take a moment to think of places you frequent often (work, grocery store, school, natural areas). Could you choose one or two days a week to schedule driving with a friend, neighbor or co-worker to these places?

    krimy acevedo's avatar
    krimy acevedo 10/28/2020 3:15 PM
    Of course.  In the way we contribute to our environment with less contamination.
    Health Audit Toxic Cleaning Products in my Home
    To what extent do environmental factors contribute to your own health or issues with health?

    krimy acevedo's avatar
    krimy acevedo 10/28/2020 3:14 PM
    To all, our environment can keep us with good or bad health depending on it.