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October 7 - October 28, 2020

Morristown Unitarian Fellowship Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Nature Practice Gratitude for Earth
    Kathleen Dean Moore says that a sense of gratitude leads to a sense of moral obligation. Do you agree? How can we cultivate a sense of gratitude as individuals, and as a society?

    Jo Sippie-Gora's avatar
    Jo Sippie-Gora 10/29/2020 6:42 AM
    Definitely agree. I consider myself very fortunate to have a built-in ability to feel gratitude for even the smallest things, and suspect that even in dire circumstances, this ability would not abandon me. But my circumstances are not dire, while many others’ are and, since I value all lives, I feel a pull to help lift all boats.
    Nature Advocate for Green Spaces
    What services, benefits, or value does nature provide for you?

    Jo Sippie-Gora's avatar
    Jo Sippie-Gora 10/29/2020 6:33 AM
    Beyond measure. Services? Sunlight brings me Vitamin D. Breathing the  air outdoors, where I am among so many trees, refreshes my lungs. Nature’s colors, hues, textures, sounds stimulate my soul and my spirit. For me, not being able to spend some time outdoors would be akin to imprisonment.
    Nature Go for a Daily Walk
    How do you experience your neighborhood or city differently when walking instead of driving?

    Jo Sippie-Gora's avatar
    Jo Sippie-Gora 10/29/2020 6:27 AM
    I have come to know my neighborhood so much more, especially its natural beauty, and treasure the hundreds of photos I’ve taken.  I’ve identified several old, and new, invasive plants and notified neighbors via social media. 
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Watch a Documentary about Racial Injustice
    What did you learn about racial injustice in the documentary(ies) you watched? How does what you learned connect to your understanding of sustainability?

    Jo Sippie-Gora's avatar
    Jo Sippie-Gora 10/29/2020 6:24 AM
    I have watched several documentaries and webinars about racial injustice. Learning what I have has increased my determination to empower environmental justice communities to resist policies and practices that imperil the health and well-being of the residents of those communities, and to mitigate damage already foisted upon them.

  • Linda DeLap's avatar
    Linda DeLap 10/28/2020 5:17 PM
    I've done my easy things on most days---not a major achievement, but my awareness has increased.

  • Anne Paust's avatar
    Anne Paust 10/27/2020 4:07 PM
    This is easy to complete.  If I had more time, I would have scoured all the opportunities to find things I do automatically.  It's good to be reminded what counts.
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Research Voter Suppression
    What are the ways in which voters are prohibited from or discouraged from voting in your region and/or state? What could be done to get rid of these barriers?

    Jo Sippie-Gora's avatar
    Jo Sippie-Gora 10/27/2020 2:33 PM
    Voter suppression is not as much of an issue in NJ as in other states. However, since elections are held on working day, some would-be voters just don't get to the polls due to conflicting responsibilities/issues e.g. childcare, eldercare, health, lack of computer (for registering) or limited ability, thinking their vote doesn't matter, etc. I would like to see easy access to mail-in ballots, as well as Election Day be declared a national holiday. 
    Waste Research Local Waste Sites
    In what neighborhoods or areas of your region are landfills or other waste sites located? Which communities are most affected by these locations?

    Jo Sippie-Gora's avatar
    Jo Sippie-Gora 10/27/2020 2:24 PM
    Hundreds of landfills and waste sites in NJ filled and closed. There aren't any in my county (Morris). In North Jersey, I know there are landfills and waste sites in Sussex and Warren County, which are rural, but they're filling up. Several more are in south Jersey. In general, these sites have been located in neighborhoods that house lower income residents and people of color. 
    Waste Use a Reusable Water Bottle
    While water bottles are needed for health and safety in certain places, we can do more to reduce the unnecessary use of them. What are the barriers to you using reusable bottles and tap water instead of bottled water? How could you make this a permanent habit?

    Jo Sippie-Gora's avatar
    Jo Sippie-Gora 10/27/2020 2:10 PM
    It is a permanent habit. The only time I have used bottled water has been while on travel in countries where my gastric system is not acclimated to their water.

  • Linda DeLap's avatar
    Linda DeLap 10/24/2020 6:22 PM
    Finally considered my core values. One is friendship/social connection. Will connect with my brothers.