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October 7 - October 28, 2020
The Star Room Rocks's avatar
October 7 - October 28, 2020

The Star Room Rocks

The Circle School

The Star Room works together- parents, students, and teachers- to make Mother Earth a better place.


  • 0 TODAY
  • 2,323

team impact

  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
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    community events
    hosted or attended
  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
    spent learning
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    pounds of paper
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    waste composted

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • October 28 at 12:29 PM
    Forgiveness in our family often means starting over and getting back to the relationships with each other that we depend on for emotional happiness and which we cherish. When we get angry with each other, we stay made, and often see that anger reflected in how we treat each other until we reach the point of apologizing and then forgiving. What...
  • October 28 at 12:20 PM
    Voting is important as it's the only way to make strides to put the people in place that reflect your values and priorities. It's hard sometimes to see how it can work when you look at your vote as only one. However, when you start to connect to the greater community and realize there are many people out there that share your same...
  • October 28 at 12:17 PM
    Last night we spent our outdoor time carving pumpkins. It shorter than it might have otherwise been because it was cold! However, we noted the extra special smell in the air that comes with cool weather/winter time. We smelled people burning wood, likely from making little outside fires to stay warm. Tonight we may try to make our own fire.
  • October 28 at 12:14 PM
    We have a community garden in our neighborhood that we recently reached out to help manage. We are hopeful that soon our family will get a planter box to manage.
  • October 28 at 12:11 PM
    We've been tracking the move from multiple ballot drop off boxes per county to one, even in those largest counties that have 1M plus people. Generally it also seems that with Texas restrictions on absentee voting to a very explicit and short set of requirements means that less people have access to absentee voting/mail-in voting.
  • October 24 at 3:35 PM
    The Star Room discussed core values and collectively our top 3 were: Family, Being Nice, and Ants....yep, Ants. Aunts, interestingly enough, was fourth.
  • October 20 at 11:09 AM
    Laughing at our house creates deeper relationships. Often laughter heals hurt feelings after an argument (when preceded by an apology) and typically proceeds hugs.
  • October 16 at 9:12 AM
    I plan to invest in more energy saving alternatives for my house.
  • October 15 at 11:16 AM
    Star Room Answers: DW: I learn new things. CW: I get happier. HP: it makes me think about food. EB: When I see the Rainbow Queen, I think of rainbows. AP: I feel happy. RC: I feel happy. MR: I just love it. OO: Every time I see the Heart Queen, I think of love. OK: I love playing games because even when you lose, it is so much fun. Mr. Jason:...
  • October 14 at 8:02 PM
    Running through bubbles with the girls. We love using them in the backyard running through them, catching them and talking about where the bubbles that make it over the fence go before they pop.

11 Team Members

Recently active team members


CHALLENGER: The Star Room Rocks Challenger Team Members: 11 Challenger Points: 2323 Winning?: VS. CHALLENGED: Advanced Learning Academy Challenged Team Members: 95 Challenged Points: 8386 Winning?: