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October 7 - October 28, 2020

Civic Life Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Katherine Couch's avatar
    Katherine Couch 10/20/2020 8:55 AM
    Time for autumn cleanup in the garden

  • Katherine Couch's avatar
    Katherine Couch 10/16/2020 9:58 AM
    It's challenging to focus on taking time for myself.
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Core Values
    What are your top 3-5 core values? How did you narrow it down to those as being your core values?

    Katherine Couch's avatar
    Katherine Couch 10/15/2020 9:25 AM
    Core values - honesty, compassion, and behaving with honor. I've always tried to live these values, so it wasn't hard to narrow them down.
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Go for a Daily Walk Outside
    Fresh air and movement are good for our entire being and can help us think more clearly and creatively. How does taking a walk each day affect yourself and/or your work?

    Katherine Couch's avatar
    Katherine Couch 10/15/2020 9:22 AM
    Taking a walk gets me out of my head and gets me out of the constant sitting position

  • Katherine Couch's avatar
    Katherine Couch 10/14/2020 9:26 AM
    I find that when I have a hard day, it's almost impossible to do anything besides fret. Trying to change this habit.
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Joyful Movement
    What's your favorite activity(ies) in which you experience joy while being active and moving?

    Katherine Couch's avatar
    Katherine Couch 10/14/2020 9:23 AM
    I enjoy yoga. I feel better when I'm stretching and focusing on breath
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Tend a Garden
    Have you ever had a significant experience in nature that altered your perspective or focus? If so, please describe it.

    Katherine Couch's avatar
    Katherine Couch 10/14/2020 9:20 AM
    Nothing specific, but I find weeding to be a meditative experience. Unless it's digging bluebells. That's just annoying
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Nurture Self-Compassion
    How can nurturing your Self-Compassion also nurture healthier relationships with others and the environment?

    Katherine Couch's avatar
    Katherine Couch 10/14/2020 9:17 AM
    It allows me to be in a better space when facing adversity. This helps focus outward.

  • Louanne Moldovan's avatar
    Louanne Moldovan 9/18/2020 1:29 PM
    Simmering a big pot of fresh rosemary and cinammon sticks to help ward off the smoky air in my home

  • Nicholas Carroll's avatar
    Nicholas Carroll 9/18/2020 12:18 PM
    The COVID 19 quarantine makes the Eco Challenge even more challenging this year, and necessary.