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October 7 - October 28, 2020

GICW– SEM Energy Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Martin Aguirre's avatar
    Martin Aguirre 10/28/2020 11:25 AM
    My challenge is going very well, there are a few things that I keep missing that I should be doing (they are so easy) yet so difficult for me to complete daily.  Overall, is has been a great experience.

  • Cindy Sheehy's avatar
    Cindy Sheehy 10/26/2020 11:22 AM
    Only a couple of days remaining! Don't forget to check in daily GICW team!
    Energy Turn It Off
    How is electricity generated where you live? How does it impact the environment, animals, and humans?

    Lindsey White's avatar
    Lindsey White 10/23/2020 8:17 AM
    We are very lucky to have SOLAR PANELS! It saves us a ton of money every year to have them but its also fun to see how much energy we can create on sunny days and compare it to the days where we are using more energy than we would like. It is a clean way to produce energy and safe for animals in our neighborhood too!
    Energy Switch to Cold Water
    What do you plan to do with the money you save from making more energy efficient choices?

    Lindsey White's avatar
    Lindsey White 10/23/2020 8:15 AM
    We plan to save it and put money toward paying off our house and the projects that need to be done to update it. Not only will these projects add value to the house in terms of esthetics, but it will also allow us to replace outdated house appliances that will be more energy efficient. 

  • Lindsey White's avatar
    Lindsey White 10/19/2020 10:02 AM
    To assist my household in living a healthier life, we have begin meal planning and prepping our meals for the week (this includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks; for weekdays). This has not only allowed us to save money but has drastically decreased our food waste. Additionally, this change has decreased our frequency of ordering food for delivered, which ultimately decreases the automobile gas transmission and landfill trash as we are not collecting food containers/plastic silverware, etc.
    Nature Go for a Daily Walk
    How do you experience your neighborhood or city differently when walking instead of driving?

    Martin Aguirre's avatar
    Martin Aguirre 10/19/2020 9:36 AM
    Everything is slower, so I am able to enjoy the views, the smells, the noise.  You see and feel things you cant when you are in a vehicle.

  • Mahsha Ahanchian's avatar
    Mahsha Ahanchian 10/19/2020 9:05 AM
    This is becoming my happy place just by announcing top a web page that i'm taking a little step each day.
    Nature Enjoy the Sunrise/Sunset
    Father Thomas Berry says, "... our primary purpose is celebration. Celebration of the dawn and the sunset and the different seasons of the year is a religious ritual, a way in which humans can establish their integral relationship with the universe, with the planet Earth." What is your response to Berry's assertion?

    Cindy Sheehy's avatar
    Cindy Sheehy 10/13/2020 3:03 PM
    The palette at dawn and dusk are a great reminder of the persistence of time. One must slow down to observe how colors seamlessly fade into  each another until they are swallowed but the light of day or dark of night. Please stop and enjoy these fleeting moments to recharge mind, body and soul.

  • Cindy Sheehy's avatar
    Cindy Sheehy 10/12/2020 2:08 PM
    Just starting on the challenge but excited about making some positive changes.
    Energy Switch to Cold Water
    What do you plan to do with the money you save from making more energy efficient choices?

    Martin Aguirre's avatar
    Martin Aguirre 10/09/2020 10:34 AM
    I plan to save the money that is saved by making energy efficient choices.