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October 7 - October 28, 2020

HP CZ & SK Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Waste Go Paperless
    Reducing your paper mail can reduce mental clutter as well as physical waste -- by reducing what is coming in, you can reduce what is going into the recycling bin too. How does it make you feel? What is the next step you will take to reduce your waste?

    Michal Zemanik's avatar
    Michal Zemanik 10/28/2020 11:53 AM
    Finally I cancelled all subscriptions and so from now I won't be receiving unnecessary marketing materials. Too bad there are still many companies who are distributing their materials anonymously - they print them in hundreds of thousands and you can't just cancel your subscription. I wish I knew a way to stop this damned waste of paper.

  • Michal Zemanik's avatar
    Michal Zemanik 10/28/2020 11:49 AM
    Well this was strange. Ecochallenge in the Covid-19 times was certainly different from the one last year, for example. Nevertheless, I found it very refreshing that there were new categories that focused on, for example, mental health and well-being. I think I also had more time to do some own research into topics I was and am interested in.
    Waste Personal Waste Audit
    Why is it often difficult to understand the impacts our purchases and waste have on other people, animals, and places?

    Olga Mullen's avatar
    Olga Mullen 10/28/2020 11:38 AM
    People tend to be lazy to think or even act about the environment. However, I am personally grateful for every conscious person who does little or big actions to make our world more sustainable. 
    Community Sign Up to Vote
    Why is voting important to creating a just, sustainable, and thriving world? In what other ways can you actively participate in important decision-making?

    Olga Mullen's avatar
    Olga Mullen 10/28/2020 11:16 AM
    I have voted in one of the most important elections last week. I have fulfilled my civic duty and regardless of the results, I am proud that I have contributed. Despite many obstacles in delivering my ballots on time - with a little help from my local CA friends - my vote is counted! 

  • Olga Mullen's avatar
    Olga Mullen 10/28/2020 10:43 AM
    Due to the stay at home at HO, the need to cook meals for the family also increased. I realized how much of our ordinary waste contains a bio-waste. Because we live in an apartment, we do not have the opportunity to compost. Therefore I found a community garden in our neighborhood and arranged continuous access there in order to use their compost. While we go there with my little daughter, we enjoy a nice walk together and I can also teach her about better waste sorting.
    Waste Personal Waste Audit
    Why is it often difficult to understand the impacts our purchases and waste have on other people, animals, and places?

    Michal Zemanik's avatar
    Michal Zemanik 10/26/2020 2:48 PM
    I believe it's got to do with the way we've been brought up. Surrounded by TV, consumerism, adverts, shelves full of various products in shiny and colorful wraps...We'd never thought about the impact the packaging had, because..well, we didn't have to, or so we thought. Now it's very difficult to try and undo all of this, to un-learn what we've been doing our whole lives. To internalize certain behaviors and be as consistent as possible - ditch the packaging as much as possible, opt for packaging that is least associated with negative impact and that is the most recyclable. It might be too late, but I refuse to go down without trying and we must persuade more people to adopt waste-reducing behaviors.
    Energy Turn It Off
    How is electricity generated where you live? How does it impact the environment, animals, and humans?

    Olga Mullen's avatar
    Olga Mullen 10/21/2020 11:47 AM
    Electricity is mainly generated from coal and nuclear energy in the Czech republic.  Roughly one-third of the country's electricity produced from coal is generated in combined-heat-and-power plants. 
    Food Weekly Meal Planning
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four in the US spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Does this surprise you? Where would you rather use this money?

    Olga Mullen's avatar
    Olga Mullen 10/20/2020 4:34 AM
    I would rather use the money for education about sustainable food preparation, consuming, and zero waste habits. 
    Simplicity Go for a Daily Walk Outside
    Fresh air and movement are good for our entire being and can help us think more clearly and creatively. How does taking a walk each day affect yourself and/or your work?

    Olga Mullen's avatar
    Olga Mullen 10/20/2020 4:30 AM
    Every day walk refreshes my mind, I like the morning routine of walking from school back to my home office. And more walking in the afternoon! 
    Nature Go for a Daily Walk
    How do you experience your neighborhood or city differently when walking instead of driving?

    Olga Mullen's avatar
    Olga Mullen 10/13/2020 5:02 AM
    I walk my daughter to school every day - one way by bus (going there) and back home walking, 20 min exactly. I like this routine!

    • Vera Zaverkova's avatar
      Vera Zaverkova 10/27/2020 1:13 AM
      It's great to go out with kids, you have much more time to explore your neighborhood, to watch how the nature changes throughout the year. You easily notice any change - like sidewalk reconstruction, any excavation on the streets, ... and you can discuss it with your kid.