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October 7 - October 28, 2020



Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Sumathy R's avatar
    Sumathy R 10/28/2020 8:02 PM
    The future depends on what you do today...-Gandhiji
    Water Insulate Water Pipes and Water Heater
    How do you think climate change will affect your region’s water supply? Think about the effects of weather, storms, salinity, and sea level rise, among other changes. How can you find out more about climate change’s impact to your region's water?

    Amudhan Joseph's avatar
    Amudhan Joseph 10/28/2020 11:04 AM
    climate change , a warmer climate causes more water to evaporate from both land and oceans
    Water Eco-Friendly Gardening
    What are the most prominent water concerns in your area? Examples include drought, flooding, pollution, access, security, and privatization.

    Amudhan Joseph's avatar
    Amudhan Joseph 10/28/2020 11:03 AM
    Naturally occurring chemicals and minerals
    Local land use practices
    Water Collect Rain Water
    Trace the water that flows down the drain from your house to the largest body of water nearby. What is the route it takes?

    Amudhan Joseph's avatar
    Amudhan Joseph 10/28/2020 11:02 AM
    terrace to ground, Ground  to cannel to lake  
    Water Mulch the Base of Trees and Plants
    Where are your nearest natural bodies of water? How might they be affected by runoff?

    Amudhan Joseph's avatar
    Amudhan Joseph 10/28/2020 10:54 AM
    Lake and the forest. Runoff occurs when there is more water than land can absorb. The excess liquid flows across the surface of the land and into nearby creeks, streams, or ponds.
    Transportation Conduct Virtual Meetings
    How can you ensure that your virtual meetings honor your values and your company's culture?

    Amudhan Joseph's avatar
    Amudhan Joseph 10/28/2020 10:51 AM
    as we are in lock down , always Virtual meeting with collogues and friends. so everything is fine as before that i can fee it
    Simplicity Core Values
    What are your top 3-5 core values? How did you narrow it down to those as being your core values?

    Amudhan Joseph's avatar
    Amudhan Joseph 10/28/2020 10:49 AM
    Loyalty- Loyal to everyone.
    Commitment-towards goal
    Honesty- is the best 
    Nature Go for a Daily Walk
    How do you experience your neighborhood or city differently when walking instead of driving?

    Amudhan Joseph's avatar
    Amudhan Joseph 10/28/2020 10:48 AM
    wow.. it is an amazing feeling. walking with friends and Neighbors , friendly  chit chat between the rest is great feel.
    Nature Enjoy the Sunrise/Sunset
    Father Thomas Berry says, "... our primary purpose is celebration. Celebration of the dawn and the sunset and the different seasons of the year is a religious ritual, a way in which humans can establish their integral relationship with the universe, with the planet Earth." What is your response to Berry's assertion?

    Amudhan Joseph's avatar
    Amudhan Joseph 10/28/2020 10:46 AM
    it is great way to celebrate in the dawn of sunset. celebration with family and friends is most joyful in life. 
    Nature Join An Outdoor Project
    How well do you know the area you live in? In what ways is a deep knowledge of your surroundings -- known as a 'sense of place' -- important to you?

    Amudhan Joseph's avatar
    Amudhan Joseph 10/28/2020 10:44 AM
    in my area there is forest and Lake and river , used to spend time there .