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October 7 - October 28, 2020

UNMC / Nebraska Medicine LiveGreen Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Core Values
    What are your top 3-5 core values? How did you narrow it down to those as being your core values?

    Melanie Stewart's avatar
    Melanie Stewart 10/28/2020 1:15 PM
    This was an interesting exercise for me, and I'm glad resources are provided--it's nice to know what I'm looking at has been vetted, rather than doing a google search.  While I felt some of the value conflict examples were a little extreme, I found that to be interesting and can see where that leads to stress and problems.
    Waste Learn About & Practice Sustainable Fashion
    How can you express your personality, creativity, and values in ways that don't require fast fashion or buying more clothes and accessories?

    Sarah Maas's avatar
    Sarah Maas 10/28/2020 7:23 AM
    I can remake my accessories into new accessories or combine them in different ways.  
    Food Weekly Meal Planning
    An average American throws out about 240 lbs of food per year. The average family of four in the US spends $1,500 a year on food that they throw out. Does this surprise you? Where would you rather use this money?

    Lynn Siegner's avatar
    Lynn Siegner 10/28/2020 7:17 AM
    This doesn't surprise me, but does make me sad. I do feel that I have gotten better about not wasting food this year as I have been home a lot more. I'd much rather spend that money on updating my home, which I have been able to do this year as well :) 

    • Melanie Stewart's avatar
      Melanie Stewart 10/28/2020 1:18 PM
      That's great, Lynn!  Sneak peek to next week's LiveGreen article: our campus is a drop site for compost club, making it easy for people to compost.  Preventing food waste is best, but for everything else there's compost :)

  • Carol White's avatar
    Carol White 10/28/2020 5:05 AM
    Today is the last day. See you all in the Spring for the next challenge.
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Support Native Communities
    Indigenous speaker and activist Winona LaDuke says that, "most indigenous ceremonies, if you look to their essence, are about the restoration of balance — they are a reaffirmation of our relationship to creation. That is our intent: to restore, and then to retain balance and honor our part in creation." Why is balance important to sustainability?

    Melanie Stewart's avatar
    Melanie Stewart 10/27/2020 1:51 PM
    I picked this option because indigenous communities and culture not only stress balance, but also sustainability.  They did, and do, have a an extreme appreciate for the environment and what it provides to them--while recognizing how hard they had to work for those resources, so not wasting resources was critical.  I loved the resource provide with the map and the way it should regions and overlapping areas.  I was taken with how many names are used in modern day culture--I'm willing to guess many don't realize that connection, or respect it.

  • Carol White's avatar
    Carol White 10/27/2020 6:23 AM
    I chose the toilet tank bank action this year because I bought a new low flush toilet. Instead of spending money and buying a specially made item, I filled up one of my glass bottles with water and set it in the tank. 
    Action Track: Justice for the Whole Community Learn About Trans, Femme, and Nonbinary Experiences
    How is equality for trans, femme, and nonbinary people important to a just and sustainable society?

    Melanie Stewart's avatar
    Melanie Stewart 10/26/2020 8:17 AM
    To be a just and sustainable society we have to be inclusive and equal--regardless of sexual identity, race, sex, gender, or any of the other things that make us different.  Having differences is a good thing--as long as everyone is on equal footing.
    Food Try a New Way to Prep
    Canning and pickling food is a great way to have delicious summer fruits and vegetables all year round. Just make sure to follow the canning and pickling guidelines from the USDA or another trusted source. What are some foods that you would like to preserve and enjoy later in the year?

    Melanie Stewart's avatar
    Melanie Stewart 10/26/2020 8:14 AM
    I've always wanted to can, but have been scared of not doing something right and causing issues.  I did some research and this year I canned salsa and tomato juice, as well as some dill pickles.  They all taste great and I'm excited to have them in the winter!
    Next up: homemade bread!
    Health Forgiveness
    How has the process of forgiving, or contemplating forgiveness, benefited you?

    Carol White's avatar
    Carol White 10/26/2020 6:23 AM
    Forgiveness is not for the other person it is always for you--to set yourself free. We all have enough trouble to handle in our daily lives so why carry around the extra burden of resentments and hurts?
    Health Happiness
    How does/can practicing gratitude keep you centered and motivated to work for a better world?

    Carol White's avatar
    Carol White 10/26/2020 6:19 AM
    It can be so easy to be discouraged and defeated if we just look at our circumstances. I just had a major disappointment last week but stopped myself and listed the things that I did have that I was grateful for.