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October 7 - October 28, 2020

Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Rachel Zakrasek's avatar
    Rachel Zakrasek 10/28/2020 2:07 PM
    Thank you Ecochallenge! I accomplished new things that have expanded my worldview and ideas about how I live my life. 

  • Casey Rhodes's avatar
    Casey Rhodes 10/27/2020 8:13 AM
    one day left!!!! Let's go NEEA
    Health Support Pollution Reduction
    What environmental factors affect human health in your region, and how do they affect it?

    Casey Rhodes's avatar
    Casey Rhodes 10/27/2020 8:08 AM
    We need to be more aware of the recycling efforts in our metro areas and what actually goes into recycling.
    Community Research Voter Suppression
    What are the ways in which voters are prohibited from or discouraged from voting in your region and/or state? What could be done to get rid of these barriers?

    Casey Rhodes's avatar
    Casey Rhodes 10/27/2020 8:07 AM
    Oregon is lucky, in that suppression measures are not as apparent as areas like Texas.
    Health Forgiveness
    How has the process of forgiving, or contemplating forgiveness, benefited you?

    Casey Rhodes's avatar
    Casey Rhodes 10/27/2020 8:07 AM
    It has made my mind more at peace
    Simplicity De-Clutter My Home
    How can you prevent yourself from accumulating more things in the future?

    Rachel Zakrasek's avatar
    Rachel Zakrasek 10/26/2020 12:19 PM
    I hear a lot of advice that, every time you receive a new gift or buy something new, you can donate or regift something you already have. That seems reasonable to me! I think also, just being more mindful about what I really need will help, especially when there are meaningful projects I'd like to save money for. Instead of buying something that I'm drawn to, I can look around my household first and see if I may already have that item, but it might need repairing, or transforming. 

  • Rachel Zakrasek's avatar
    Rachel Zakrasek 10/21/2020 9:50 AM
    I saw a poster for a multi-family garage sale this past weekend and was very inspired! The group had gotten creative and was selling baked goods and halloween items in addition to their household goods, and was playing music! To complete my de-clutter challenge, I am going to try and organize a similar group garage sale/free stuff table with my neighbors!
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Engage In Active Listening
    What was it like to actively listen to someone? How did both people and the conversation(s) benefit from active listening?

    Kyle Billeci's avatar
    Kyle Billeci 10/20/2020 11:22 AM
    We've had some family emergencies happen this week and I didn't know how to respond to a loss of life - so I've been doing my best to be engaged and present for people in their time of loss.
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Healthy Sleep
    Consider how many hours of sleep you get now. How would you like to shift your sleep patterns? What are you finding works for you to be successful in this action?

    Kyle Billeci's avatar
    Kyle Billeci 10/20/2020 11:21 AM
    I continually try to get to bed by 10 PM. I also started exercising around 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM to exhaust my body so that I sleep soundly. Nothing better than falling asleep completed drained. Best sleep I've ever had. 
    Action Track: Healing and Renewal Forgiveness
    How has the process of forgiving, or contemplating forgiveness, benefited you?

    Rachel Zakrasek's avatar
    Rachel Zakrasek 10/19/2020 5:53 PM
    In struggling to forgive others and myself for things in the past, I found I was still haunted by these people and experiences. Trying new ways of thinking about forgiveness, and going through a focused forgiveness process, helped me tap into pent-up anger I was carrying around with me. I learned a new perspective, which is that anger is the work of the ego to create separation between things. Working hard to see that all things are connected, and that experiences happen to help us grow, helped me to forgive and let go of anger.